Special Education (Early Intervention)
Special education program is designed to make sure that the children with disabilities are getting an
environment which allows them to be educated effectively. Special Education refers to a range of
services that can be provided in different ways and in different settings.
No one size fits all approach - it is tailored to meet each students need. Individualized plan /
Education plan is formulated for every child as every child has their own strength and weaknesses
and they have their own way of learning and understanding.
A special education is an education catering for students who have special educational needs due to
learning difficulties, physical disabilities or behavioural problems. Special schools may be specifically
designed, staffed and resourced to provide appropriate special education for children with
additional needs.
The Main purpose is to provide equal access to education for children that will lead to school
success in general curriculum. Ideally it needs a individually planned and systematically manifold
arrangement of teaching procedures, adapted equipment as per each Childs need.